Cape Coral
13 SE 21st Place
Cape Coral, FL 33990
(239) 574-7161
This three-week series explores what it means to truly follow Jesus in our everyday lives, focusing on His call to be with Him, become like Him, and do as He did. Through ancient spiritual practices adapted for our modern world, we’ll learn how to cultivate a deep, transformative relationship with Jesus and live out His mission. Based heavily on JMC’s Practicing the Way
February 2 - Cultivating a life of intimacy with Jesus through time in His presence.
February 9 - Transforming our hearts and lives to reflect the character of Jesus.
February 16 - Living out the mission and practices of Jesus in our everyday lives.
Welcome to "The Cutting Room Floor," a podcast where we dive deeper into the insights and ideas that didn't make it into Sunday's sermon. Join us each week as we explore fascinating theological concepts and thought-provoking discussions that expand on the weekend's message.