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Win at Home

Home—whether it’s a place filled with childhood memories, the apartment you’ve just settled into, or your core community of people – carries a unique meaning for everyone. No matter where we might be in life, one thing is true: every person wants to “win” at home. We want our lives and homes to be better than they currently are. So what is God’s blueprint for building a better home? For three weeks, we will discover God’s wisdom on how to build a home with a solid foundation, strategic direction, and secure protection.

September 15 - God stands as the foundation of our home.
September 22 - God sets the direction of our home.
September 29 - God secures the protection of our home.


Sermon Archive


Welcome to "The Cutting Room Floor," a podcast where we dive deeper into the insights and ideas that didn't make it into Sunday's sermon. Join us each week as we explore fascinating theological concepts and thought-provoking discussions that expand on the weekend's message.

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