Cape Coral
13 SE 21st Place
Cape Coral, FL 33990
(239) 574-7161
At Grace Church, we prepare and send people both locally and globally to share God’s love and make disciples of Jesus. Every Christ follower can join in God’s work around the corner and around the world as we give, go and pray.
Raise our awareness that Jesus invites us to join Him in mission on earth.
Prepare people for the places to which God is sending us.
Invite everyone to serve by giving, going, or praying!
Join us for special events over 5 days to reconnect with our SEND Partners from around the world, and also learn about new ministries we've partnered with right around the corner.
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Near our church campuses and similar to our values and culture.
Outside Florida but within the US, similar to our values and culture.
Places within the US that people prefer to avoid or ignore.
Outside the borders of the US, with different values, culture, and language.
Apr. 3, 2025 - Apr. 14, 2025
DetailsNov. 13, 2025 - Nov. 24, 2025
DetailsMar. 13, 2026 - Mar. 21, 2026
San José, Costa Rica
DetailsGrace Church financially supports our local and global Send Partners in their cross cultural work by giving an offering “above and beyond” our tithe, or regular giving. We can estimate our giving for the coming year by trusting God in several ways. Every year at our Send Conference, each person has the opportunity to make a commitment to give a specific amount towards missions.