Cape Coral
13 SE 21st Place
Cape Coral, FL 33990
(239) 574-7161
Cape Coral20s-30s-40sConnectKidzYouth
Can you believe it? Christmas time is right around the corner! This season can be a time of wonder and joy, but it can get pretty busy too! Halls to be decked, apparel to be donned, yules to be...tided? It’s so easy to let the entire month of December pass by and totally forget why we celebrate Christmas. So to help us remember Christ this Christmas, we’re hosting an event called “Gingerbread Bash!”
Wednesday, December 13 from 6-8pm. (Free family dinner from 6-6:30pm, then Preschool & Elementary will participate in Gingerbread Bash, Middle & High school students can attend the Youth Christmas Party in the Family Center.)
This is a fun and interactive experience designed for the whole family! We’re going to build a gingerbread nativity while celebrating the birth of Jesus. More than that, you’ll hear the Christmas story from the Bible, sing songs, play games, and discover the good news of Jesus through candy canes. It’s a truly sweet way for your family to celebrate the birth of Jesus!