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You're Invited!

We invite you and your family to the Cape Coral campus of Grace Church this Easter!


Cape Coral Campus
13 Se 21st Place, Cape Coral, FL 33990, (239) 574-7161

Thursday, April 17 at 6:30pm

Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter, believed to be the day when Jesus celebrated his final Passover with His disciples. Most notably, that Passover meal was when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples in an extraordinary display of humility. The next day he would suffer and die on a cross. Join us for a special Maundy Thursday service at 6:30pm.

Friday, April 18 at 7pm
(Shores Campus)

Join us at the Fort Myers Shores Campus for a contemplative service remembering our Savior's sacrifice.
(14036 Matanzas Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33905)

Friday, April 18 at 6:45pm

Join us for a special Baptism Service at Celebrate Recovery on April 18 at 6:45pm.


Family Games • Bunny Pics • Easter Egg Hunt

Plan for your family to join us for all kinds of Spring Fun Saturday, April 19 from 10am-12pm in the Family Center parking lot. There will be food trucks, games, treats, prizes, inflatables, pictures with the Easter bunny and of course an amazing Easter Egg hunt! Candy donations being accepted in the Church office or Family Center building.

Saturday, April 19 at 10am

Join us for a joyful outdoor celebration of our Risen Lord in the park. Bring a chair.

Sunday, April 20 at 6:30am

Sunday, April 20




Celebrate our risen Savior with traditional hymns. (Nursery available for ages 0-5th grade.)


9:30am & 11am

Celebrate our risen Savior with contemporary music and a worship band. Full children's ministry available in our Family Center.

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